Monday 4 April 2011

The final countdown

In one week today the dreaming will be over and I will be en route to Bangkok. Having spent the morning (and much of the last few weeks) surfing the internet and reading endless blogs, articles and travel advice about S-E Asia, it is starting to dawn on me how illprepared I am. This trip...

is going to be very different to my last one in many ways, not least because I have planned almost nothing. When I went to Africa I had it all mapped out and knew exactly what I would be doing, where I would be staying, etc etc... this time I have booked a flight there, 4 nights accommodation, and a flight home 4 months later. That's it! I have literally no other plans... and that's incredibly exciting.

When I tell this to people, some understand and find it totally acceptable that I would want such a level of freedom. They too have dreamt of such an escape - and perhaps even done it themselves. Others, however, stare at me open mouthed and I can see the incomprehension in their eyes. How could a single young woman get on a plane to a developing country with nothing more than the clothes on her back (well, almost nothing) and no plans? And more importantly, why would she chose to do it alone???

I'll tell you why. We are so lucky to live in this time where women are free to do as they please. It is a very rare situation to be in if you look back through history. And for me, the feeling of being able to go anywhere and do anything I please is very powerful and liberating. When I am settled in a career and (hopefully) have a family, such opportunites will be rare. So I intend to squeeze as much adventure out of life while I am still free and can afford to be selfish. Travelling alone can be scary, but I get a lot out of knowing that if I can do this, I can do anything. I've always been pretty strong and self sufficient, but going it alone is a real test.

Not that I'm expecting anything other than to have a fantastic time. All the advice i've heard about the area I'm heading to is that the people are very friendly, accommodation cheap and abundant, ditto the food... so I shouldn't be homeless or hungry. I also doubt very much that I will be lonely for very long. Although I intend to go off the beaten track wherever possible, south-east asia is a well trodden route - oft pounded by ageing hippies, idealistic gap year kids, wannabe buddhists, you name it, they're there!

Many of my best friends have been made whilst traveling, and if I make friends half as brilliant as those fromm the last trip, I know i'll be just fine.


Laubs said...

Like the new design Ele, looking forward to keeping up with the newest installments.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour! I agree with Laubs, the layout looks great!
Also you're absolutely right, women now enjoy such freedom so why not make the most of it? :-) I love my baby girl but no travelling for me for a while! Have an time and I look forward to reading your adventures :-) gros bisou xxx