Friday 22 April 2011

The Islands

Before I came to Thailand, I was being a bit of a travel snob and had said I wasn't going to bother with the islands, as they were bound to be full of gap year students getting drunk. Well, there is some truth in that...

but I am so glad I overcame my attitude and came anyway. I have spent the last week in the Gulf Coast islands of Koh Tao, Koh Pangang and Koh Samui. Each is more beautiful than the last (photo above is of the sunset on Koh Tao). I travelled down from Bangkok on an overnight sleeper train with Ollie, a Welsh guy who I had sat next to on the flight over. We get along really well, and although we have split off for now, hope to meet up again next week in Koh Phi Phi.

In Koh Tao we went snorkelling and saw some weird and wonderful fish, as well as a black-tipped reef shark - luckily he was about 10ft beneath me!

The sole reason we went to Koh Pangan was for the famous (or should I say infamous) full moon party in Hat Rin. Around 20,000 drunk westerners flood the beach and party all night, drinking buckets (yes actualy buckets) of cheap vodka, whisky, rum etc... I went with Ollie and a couple of French guys we met at our accommodation. Was a fun night, glad I expereienced it but I think I'm getting old - I only managed 'til 3and was probably one of the very few people not hungover the next day!

Finding accommodation was tricky due to the party, so we ended up staying at Secret Hut -  a very hidden away place in the middle of nowhere. But after 3 days there I was sad to leave, as I had made a new friend - little Bim (pic below), the owner's granddaughter. It's true what they say about people in Thailand being friendly, I have felt some welcome everywhere I've been so far.

I am now in Koh Samui, where last night I went to a lively night market in Maenam. There I bought some prawns and sticky rice for dinner - but take a look at the picture below to see what else was on offer!!! Think they're crickets on the left and some kind of grub on the right - I may be adventurous but not quite that adventurous...

It is very very hot in the islands - it rained for an hour or so this morning though which took some of the moisture out of the air, but I am still walking around absolutely sodden every day. I hope it doesn't get any worse in the north!

I'm off to see what's on the menu for tonight's dinner... wish me luck!


Unknown said...

I'm soo jealous :) sounds like you're having a blast. At some point have a beer for me. Nat

Ele said...

ok Nat, seeing as you've made the first comment i will have a beer in your honour tonight. Hope all is well and flat hunting not to stressful xxx

Anonymous said...

hi ele!
so glad youre having a ball (albeit a damp one), and experiencing all that is good in thailand. enjoy the islands, have another beer on the white sands for me.
maz xx.