Sunday 8 November 2009


Namibia has been amazing - after Tanzania easily my favourite African country so far. We spent a few days in the strangeness of Swakopmund and then drove down the coast and inland through the Namib desert. The scenery was stunning; sculptured sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see, and amazing flat topped mountains. We visited a place called Sossusvlei and Dune 45, which is the most famous of all the dunes in the world. You know the iconic picture of the dune with an s-shaped curve...No? Never mind.

Then we went to Fish River Canyon in southern Namibia which is, geologically, very similar to the Grand Canyon. The main difference being the lack of commercialisation; helicopters, fast food restaurants, fat americans etc..! It was beautiful but unfortuately my camera had run out of battery so I wasn't able to take any pics. Grrr...

Yesterday we crossed the border into South Africa, and immediately I felt as though I was back home. Heavy drizzle and all the trappings of the western world. We're in wine country for a couple of days (Stellenbosch for conossieurs) and then onto Cape Town.

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