Friday 13 November 2009

Back in civilisation

Well here I am in Cape Town! The weather has been pretty shocking. More wet weekend in Bognor than balmy urban paradise. I had really wanted to go to Robben Island and climb Table Mountain but the ferry to the Island has been cancelled every day this week, and the mountain has been cloaked in thick grey clouds. That is until today when they lifted long enough for me to queue for an hour and a half, see a guy get hit by a car due to the incredibly stupid and dangerous road systems in Cape Town and finally made it up the mountain. It was worth the wait though. Incredible views across the bay, and right the way down to the Cape of Good Hope. I've also used the opportunity of being in a big city to catch up on all the things I've been missing since leaving London. Namely; shopping, cinema and sushi!

It's a strange part of the trip because half the people are leaving and we are picking up a whole new set of travelling companions. Oh well, they say a change is as good as a rest, and although I am having a fantastic time, new conversation will be much appreciated. Although I have made some great friends so far who I will miss :( We leave Cape Town today and travel down to Cape Alguhas (?), the most southerly point in Africa. Not too sure what else we'll be doing along the way, but the basic itinerary is along the Garden route, up through Lesotho to Johannesburg.

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