Tuesday 26 May 2009

So far so good

Saturday saw the village of Tillingham brought to a standstill as traffic flocked from miles around for the quiz night to end all quiz nights. OK, that's not strictly true... but 30 of my friends and family gathered at the village hall to lend their support to Mondo Chllenge and my charity project in Tanzania. The quiz was a closely run race which ended in a tie break situation between The Flying Pigs (Julie, Mr Mangum and their friends the Cecils) and Quiz Team Aguilera (the Plant family minus quiz master Mike and me). It was a tense few seconds but the Flying Pigs pulled it out the bag and emerged victorious - luckily as otherwise everyone would have said it was a fix! Thanks to everyone who came, I think everyone had fun and we managed to raise over £400 which was fantastic! We had people from as far afield as Surrey and Southend, and ages ranging from 9 to 95! Special mention must go to Chloe and Amy who were brilliant and provided extra entertainment with their olive eating challenge! Thanks also to Mum, Dad and Gemma for helping me to organise the evening xxx


Laura Sach said...

Sorry I couldn't be there! I hope there was a geography round! x

Anonymous said...

Thee had better of been! Otherwise I shall not give you any pearls of wisdom with regard to my amazing teaching skills :-)

Ele said...

If you're going to post cryptic comments, at least give me a clue to your identity! I guess Paul hunt?! Only person I can think of (myself and Laura excluded) who is a geo geek! Ele