Thursday 1 April 2010

New Zealand - rocks!

Wow. Wow wow wow. I don't know where to start describing my first few days in New Zealand. What an incredibly beautiful country! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Before coming here I had to say goodbye to my home for the last 3 months, Australia, and the incredible...

friends I made there. I had a jam-packed last week, working hard as well as meeting up with my friend Fiona, whom I met in Tanzania. It was so nice to see her and catch up. It's funny, friends you meet when traveling be come like instant old friends - in our case due to the once in a lifetime experience we shared climbing mount kilimanjaro. I also went on a Harley Davidson ride up Mount Tamborine which was cool, with my good friend Karl, and on a day trip to Springbrook Mountain with Glynn and Katie. Such a shame, it was just at the end that I became close with so many people, which made it hard to leave. But as with so many people I've met this year, I know I will see them again.

OK, so NZ. I arrived into Christchurch late on saturday night, and on sunday met up with my friend Kirsten from Henderson (my old company in London). She's a local, so showed me around and we had a lovely afternoon, just catching up and chatting about life. On monday morning I was very excited to pick up my hire car and hit the road. I have missed driving since leaving home, it's so great to be back behind the wheel and free! I drove to the pretty little town of Akaroa and had a yummy lunch of traditional NZ fish and chips (or 'fesh and cheps' as they call it)... then I drove inland to the beautiful Lake Tepako. The scenery was stunning - this is the area where a lot of the scenes from Rohan (Lord of the Rings) were filmed. I could see the southern alps in the distance, and glistening lakes. I stayed overnight in the village of Lake Tepako, in the lovely little YHA which is right on the water. It was truly one of those places that takes your breathe away. The next day I drove down to Arrowtown, an old gold mining settlement, and onto Queenstown where I am now. I've really landed on my feet - staying with Grant, a friend of Kirsten's who has a beauitful house with views of the valley and the Remarkables mountain range. He's been a great host, so I have been here for a couple of nights now and am staying again tonight as it's his birthay and we're having a party.

I have also done some great hikes - I must admit, I was slightly worried about doing some of the tracks on my own. But I feel completely safe and am loving the freedom of being able to go wherever I like. I'm going to do seom sections of the famous Milford Track in fjordland at the weekend... can't wait! It's been voted one of the top walks in the world.

Today I had just about the most fun I've ever had in one day before - I went paragliding!!! And what an incredible experience it was. It really was flying. Not just 'as if' I were flying. I literally was!!! For those of you on facebook, check out a video I posted. Should make you laugh - it's mainly of me screaming! And as if that wasn't enough adrenaline for one day, I followed it up by going on the Shotover Jet - a small jet boat designed for shallow braided rivers. This one flies down the Shotover River at speeds of 80km ph (!) and goes so close to the canyon walls, you feel as though a crach is imminent. Of course the pilots are highly trained so that doesn't happen. But it was pretty cool!

That's all for now.. but I will be back soon with some more stunning pics and good stories to make you jealous ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow....I am so jealous! Can you come home and look after my kids so I can do this?

xxx Peter Murphy

Anonymous said...

Ele, I'm so excited for you! I hope you love it so much you'll come back and live here! :-) So glad you had a nice stay at Grant's, he is lovely, and lives in such a great spot (so I've heard!) Can't believe you posted that pic - anyone would think we don't sell hair clips in NZ!! :-) I'm about to flick a friend in Wellington a message so hopefully you'll have another lovely friend of mine to take you out when you get there - Wellington is the coolest place to go out. I'll keep you posted. Travel well & enjoy. Kirst xx