Monday 18 January 2010

Back to the grind

I'm afraid this might be my shortest blog post to date, as all I have to report is that after spending a few days searching for a job, am now working in a coffee shop. It's good fun but very tiring. And because i'm starting at the bottom of the ladder i'm not even allowed to make coffee yet! Apparently there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. It's all about the texture of the grind, the heat of the milk and even what direction the wind is blowing. I kid you not! It's a far cry from teaching, but my plan is to get my head down and spend as much time as I can working and as little time as possible spending, and then get my teaching qualification when I get back to the UK. Australia is very expensive for us Brits at the moment and the price of groceries is astronomical.

I'll write again soon but i'm afraid I won't have much to report...unless of course I get a go on the coffee machine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G'day Eleanor: Reading of your continuing adventures is a real highlight - and I must admit to being more than a wee bit jealous, trapped in this air-conditioned tower, staring at a screen all day long!

I've been saying for years, my chosen next profession is Barista - and if that doesn't work out, there's always Lidl. I've always had my sights set on a career in the law but hey, unless I buy a degree off the internet, that's the nearest I'm going to be to a Barrister, your honour!

Anyway, nothing beats a darned good cup of espresso. I bet you'll be a Barista next time we hear from you.

Having seen the exchange rate recently and compared it to what we were getting a couple of years ago, I must say I was shocked at how weak the Pound is against the Aussie dollar.

Think of the high price of groceries as a surcharge for all that lovely weather. It's rubbish here.

I need to retrain as a miner or a welder asap!

Keep the blogs coming. By the way, our pod has found a new place for lunch: Pride of Spitalfields, just the other side of Brick Lane. Nothing on the menu is more than £3 and bacon, egg and chips is a mere £2.50. The beer is (allegedly) very good too! Everything in moderation, we say, and as we are still in the jaws of recession and the weather continues to be cold and horrible, it's good wholesome food that lifts our spirits (and cholesterol levels)!

Over and out! Lots of love from Julie xxx