Thursday 6 August 2009

Life in Longido

Firstly I apologise for being slack with the blogging lately - reason being I am really settled in Longido now - very busy and happy with school, friends and adult classes so haven't had time to get on the internet. There are so many things that were alien to me when I arrived three weeks ago, but which are now normal, so I thought i would share some of them with you...

Longido is a really beautiful village overlooked by the imposing Mount Londgido, which I plan to climb when time allows and I have plucked up a sufficient amount of courage! It is extremely dry here, the region is experiencing a drought and it is having a devastating effect on the cows which are so important to the Maasai people.

The village is filled with the most incredible abundance of animals... donkeys, cows, goats, chickens, dogs and cats and geese. There are beautiful birds which I couldn't even begin to identify but the most amazing animals of all are the giraffes which roam the plains surrounding the village. I saw 3 whilst walking home the other day - there are also herds of elephants and buffalos on the mountain - you have to take a warrior guide with you when you go walking in case there are any dangerous animals, including king cobras. Luckily for me i have lots of friends who are maasai warriors so am safe :)

The homestay is great... a western style house but without all the mod con we're used to such as a kitchen, water, electricity, shower or toilet. Yesterday I spent 3 hours down at the 'bomba' -watering hole handwashing my clothes!

My kiswahili is coming along, and I am picking up some kimaasai too to enable me to communicate with many of the villagers (and of course little Issiah). I showed him my i-pod the other day and he was listening to the Beatles 'She loves you' so has been singing it non-stop ever since!

I have started a lunch club at school for the kids to have some fun - singing/drawing/drama and story-telling. They are enjoying doing something a bit different. I want them to use their imaginations, soemthing which isn't really a priority for children here. Children are meant to work, not play...fetch water, firewood, look after goats and cattle, cook, wash etc so I am keen for them to be creative.


Unknown said...

Hi Rae

Glad to hear everything is going so well for you. Village life in Longido sounds like a breath of fresh air.. Its not very often that we get the opportunity to be reminded that the simple pleasures in life are often the most rewarding. Lunchtime clubs.. what a great idea! Maybe you have found your true calling in teaching. I imagine it must be especially rewarding seeing these children develop skills outside their normal routines and mostly, great to teach children who actually appreciate the art of learning. Look forward to the next installment :-)

Lots of love, Yvonne xoxox

Anonymous said...

Hey you

Sounds like you're having a great time. Knew you'd make a success of it. Love the pictures and comments on wildlife. Sounds like a whole different world away and sure the experience will stay with you forever.

You're not missing too much here. Nothing changes back at work, but outside life is good. Off on holiday to America in October for two weeks and am planning a Trans-Siberian trip in May, so all good fun. Also off to the Med with Manuel, Nacho and Jayson in a couple of weeks so plenty to look forward to.

How are the kids with you? Do they respect the Ele authority?

Anyways, take care of yourself and keep the posts up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ele,

apologise for not dropping you a line before now.

Really pleased to read that you are having a fantastic time and that your creativity and enthusiasm is now finally being used fully - the odd away day doesn't really count.

As Darren correctly says above, you are not missing anything in the city.

As for me, Ruth is now 14 weeks pregnant and we have the pictures of the new addition to the family which is exciting.

Hope the rest of the trip is as good as the start of the adventure.

Take care.


Ele said...

thanks for comments guys... great to hear from you. paddy, thats fantastic news! congratualtions to the whole family (but is the world ready for another Bingham)?!

ele x