Wednesday 1 July 2009

Stone Town, Zanzibar

Well here i am - in Zanzibar - such an amazing and incredible place I don't know where to begin... I arrived into Dar Es Salaam airport after having slept for only an hour on the night flight, so was very dazed and confused trying to make my way to Zanzibar. I made it here in one piece and have had a great couple of days exploring the town and surrounding area. I did the traditional spice tour, where they show you how many spices are grown and let you taste local fruits - very exotic, although the only one I remember is jack fruit, which is like a cross between a banana and a pineapple... very nice but strange!

The town itself is made of tiny backstreets and alleys, with a market like how I imagine a Moroccan souk to be. It is very dark, with awnings blocking the sun and smells coming from offal on butchers' blocks, spice stalls and a million other things. The sellers see a white person and you see the $ sign light up their eyes - it is a strange feeling to be a novelty due to the colour of your skin, but the people here are very poor and whatever I have got is more than they will ever have (for some). I have met some great friendly people - my 'international family' from finland, canada, oz, uk and the states, and many many more. I am now in Kendwa on the north coast, a stunning beach resort where I plan to relax for a few days before heading down the coast either back to Stone Town or to Jambiani in the east. The volunteering will be hard work so am making to most of my time off before I start! Ele x


Sarah said...

Hey Eleanor

Not sure if you remember me (although how can you forget with all the travel you booked!) its Sarah from the travel team at HRG. The girls on the team told me you were doing this today and just wanted to say good luck and hope it all goes well. What a big change from Henderson!! Its going to be worth it though! Look after yourself and take care. S x

Julie said...

Hello, Eleanor, by the sound of it, fingers crossed, you will be well-rested before arriving in Longido. It's great to have access to your blog and I hope you'll be able to update us all with your news. So much more exciting than anything going on here! The weather's been fabulous and so was Wimbledon.
Thinking about you and hoping everything's going well. Love Julie xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Rae
Glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound and that you're enjoying some tourist activities before the real work starts! Can't believe your in Africa.. Well done for making it there and doing something good, you should be so proud!! Thinking of you out there, stay safe and enjoy every moment, before you know it you will be in Australia!! Can't wait to read your stories!
Lots of love, vonnybabes xoxoxoxoxx

Anonymous said...

Ele.....enjoy!!!! By the way did my wife let you have the sponsership we promised? If not I will sort it out!

Peter Murphy

Ele said...

hi everyone, thanks for comments and messages. I will try and blog soon but the interet connection is driving me mad so don't have time today. still in zanzibar but flying to arusha tomorrow to start work on monday - very exciting if a bit scary... e x

Laubs said...
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