Thursday 16 July 2009

I have a confession...

I am in love! Sorry Neil. His name is Issiah and he is an 8 year old maasai cattle herder. He mysteriously turned up at our house last night in only the clothes he was wearing - nothing else! He is a friend of the family's son and I understand is now 'ours' - which means we will feed, clothe and look after him in return for him taking the cattle out to graze every day.

He is so funny, he speaks only maasai and i can speak only a little swahili so our conversation is limited to say the least - he thinks my name is hello! I don't think he has seen white people before, so is fascinated by me and sits as close to me as possible, touching my hair and wanting to hold my hand and hug me. When I returned from having a shower, he asked if he washed enough would he be clean like me... he doens't understand that there can be different skin colours. It is really hard to get my head around how sheletered his life is - I gave him a toy car and he asked me to make it bigger so he could get in... and to make the lights work! He has had no education whatsoever - I showed him how to use a pen for the first time and when the family were singing hymns in the evening he was joining in using the only word he recognised...'hallelujah' over and over again! Was very very funny. I wonder if I can put him in my suitcase when I leave....?

School is good, I am teaching standards 3,4 and 5 (roughly ages 8 - 13) and is going well so far... not too many hours but from monday will be teaching adults in the afternoons so will be very busy! This weekend I am going to town with Mama Judith to visit her newly married son, and may have chance to meet up with some other volunteers too.


Anonymous said...

Have you told your new friend about how many degrees you have?

Anonymous said...

Haha to the comment above

Oh Ele how cute is Issiah, his adorable

Hope all is going well teacher Plant

XxX Coxy

Laubs said...

Hi Hello! (thats the best thing i've heard in ages!) aww bless! he sounds brilliant, and very funny!

Miss you! x

Anonymous said...

He is gorgeous, I think he would have a bit of a shock if he returned to London with you! You sound like you are doing a great job Ele! bisous Rachel x

Anonymous said...

Hi eleanor,

Keeping up to date o your travels.. sounds a wonderful experience.

I hope you are taking in all of the wonderful geography Africa has to offer!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ellie,
Didn't take long for you to show your fickle nature for another (much younger!)man! Thought we are told not to have relationships with the locals!! Love hearing your news
Kathy x

Anonymous said...

Hello, Eleanor: Great to find out how you are getting on via this blog. Issiah looks and sounds such a dear little boy but gosh, how different his life is to all the 8 year olds I know. Hope all's going well and keep the posts coming. You might say they are a "Rae" of sunshine! Sending this on a surprisingly sunny day in Blighty. Best wishes from Julie xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Eleanor,
Only just found your e mail address. Been reading up on your exploits. Sounds like you are having fun and enjoying your very different life. Not sure if I am posting my comment in the right place but will log on again to see what you have been up to. Often speak of you at the office, we all wonder what you are doing.

Catch you soon.
Pam x