Monday 25 July 2011

There and back again

As I write this post, I am surrounded by beautiful green fields stretching as far as the eye can see. But these aren't the rice paddies of Cambodia to which I have been accustomed to of late, but the corn fields of Essex.

Although my trip was originally planned for 4 months, which would have seen me returning in mid-August, life - as I should know by now - doesn't always turn out the way you plan...

Sunday 3 July 2011

Beautiful Cambodia

As soon as I crossed the border from Vietnam to Cambodia, my mood lifted as if by magic. The landscape suddenly became lush and green, the roads  clearer and the people 'smilier.'

Still traveling with Louise and Floor, our first stop was Sinhoukville; a standard stop on the backpacker circuit. We were planning on heading down the coast to Otres beach but the rain was torrential, so we decided to hole up in Serendipity beach where there was more going on - i.e. other people to talk to and lots of bars in which to while away the wet days...