Monday 24 May 2010

The last leg, the home strait, the final frontier. However I put it, the end of my journey.

I'm now back home and although it seems a lifetime ago, it was really only a couple of weeks since I was in Canada with my Aunt Sue. We had a lovely week together; gardening, baking, chatting and hiking (something that she can't do alone due to the black bears and cougars in the forests). We covered...

Wednesday 5 May 2010

la la land

LA was crazy, as I expected it would be. But it was also fantastic – something I didn’t expect at all. I stayed in Santa Monica, one of the 80-odd cities that make up LA County (I meant that to read approx. 80 cities, but it would not be wrong to read it as 80 ‘odd’ cities)! My hostel...