Saturday 27 June 2009

No going back

Well, 27th June has finally arrived and I am packed, checked in and ready to fly. Feeling excited, scared, nervous, all sorts of feelings in between but mostly very tired! This week has been great, catching up with friends and saying my goodbyes but it has left me in desperate need of a holiday (well that's handy).

Last night I had a fantastic evening with my friends and Henderson colleagues in London. I was completely overwhelmed by the kind words and presents from everyone, thank you.

My flight leaves this evening and this time tomorrow I should be in Zanzibar where I will spend a few days before heading up to Arusha and then Longido on 9th July to begin my teaching placement.

Will try and write soon and should have some good pics of stunning zanzibar (and maybe a door or two for neil)

Thursday 18 June 2009

Less than 2 weeks until I leave for Africa and my adventure begins - wow! I am very excited, although a small amount of apprehension at the enormity of the task I am about to undertake is starting to sink in. I cannot wait to meet the maasi people; everything I have heard and read about them says they are very welcoming and I am looking forward to learning about their fascinating culture.

I spent last weekend in Oxford on a TEFL training course, where I met some great like-minded people who are all undertaking similar life-changing experiences with Mondo Challenge. I learned a lot of fun ways to teach English to the children (and adults) in Tanzania and am itching to get in the classroom! I am under no illusions, it will be hard work – teaching children in the primary school all day (with classes from 70 – 140 kids) and adults in the afternoons in the boma school (see pic on right) I will be knackered, but hopefully happy and fulfilled too.

I am slightly worried about the food situation though… I have heard that the staple diet consists of rice and ugali (a starchy cornmeal substance which is apparently disgusting) – might have to take some cereal bars with me just in case! I have also been advised to take multivitamins as the diet will be a shock to the system. Everyone keeps saying I will lose weight while I’m away, but in the Maasi culture it is attractive to be bigger so I think mama Judith might try and feed me up – uh oh!

Wednesday 3 June 2009


This week I held my second fund raising event – Karaoke! I think its safe to say that everyone who came had a great time - all had a go on the microphone and together raised £100 to help me on my way. Highlights included the Herald team’s theme song ‘The Only Way is Up,’ Gemma ‘Kanye’ Cox spitting some lyrics and Crista ‘I hate karaoke’ Toomey well and truly letting her hair down! Thanks to all who came, effort was much appreciated :)